Take a Break!
It’s taken me a while to write anything lately. Believe me, the radio silence hasn’t only affected Solo…my university work took a hit, my novel stalled, and you know why? Simply this; I haven’t been taking care of myself. To give some background, my body used to be pretty healthy, I didn’t have a sick day for years and years. Then one evening, after some exercise, shooting pain went up my arm. It was unsettling, all night this tingling pain was present and I honestly didn’t understand what was going on. A few days later I found out what it was, Shingles. Induced by severe stress. Now, long story short, I am fine but my nerves took a hammering. And now when things get too much or my stress gets out of hand my body rebels.
“Simply this; I haven’t been taking care of myself.”
In a weird way, I’m glad for it because when my body shuts down I have to stop. I don’t know about you but life is so busy and it’s difficult to say no, to cancel plans, to make room for rest. Sometimes it can feel selfish to say you just want to be alone or weird to pass on that date or social event. But it’s important we have these moments to reset. It’s important to remind ourselves that pausing isn’t stopping. We are not built to run on empty nor are we built to endure until we break. I set out my 2020 vision as doing more stuff but there is a massive difference between being productive and mindless activity. Where our time is concerned, quality over quantity every-single-time.
On Tuesday my computer screen at work looked like a lot of gibberish. I’d forced myself to go in but by the afternoon I was on my bed completely exhausted. My body knew what I had ignored. I’m not the girl that can do everything. I’m a girl that can do what she can. I fully believe that often, as women we think we need to prove our worth by spinning plates. I know it sounds dumb but I get such a kick out of someone thinking I have it all together. It legitimises the dumb decisions I make! Like when I tried to start Circus School on top of everything else. I loved how wild my life sounded! But in practice it was another expense, it was more time allocated away from my degree. I had to bow out because I realised that this stuff, it can be fun, but it’s not conducive to my life right now.
“I’m not the girl that can do everything. I’m a girl that can do what she can.”
I don’t know who else needs to hear it but you do not have to do everything right this second. Make a list, get your priorities in place. Be ruthless! Cut out the rubbish! 2020 needs to be the year you start putting some time aside in the week to read a book, to meditate, listen to music or go for a walk by yourself. You time isn’t wasted time. You time gives you license to regain your strength. It renews the incredible energy you give out to work, friends and family. Do not belittle the ‘down time’, make it a priority. Because you, your mind and your body all deserve it.
Taking a break 101:
1. Put a date in the diary with yourself- its non-negotiable
2. Introduce screen time limits to your life where appropriate
3. Learn to say ‘no’
4. Go to bed at a reasonable hour
5. Stay hydrated
6. Value your time as much as you value others
7. Self-evaluate things- is it healthy, is it bringing joy, is it making your life better?
8. Get some fresh air